Challise Taylor


Middle School Teacher

Challise Taylor is originally from Southwest Missouri but moved to Georgia in 2021 to be near her family. She graduated from Ozark Christian College with a Bachelors of Arts in Christian Ministry in 2020. Challise accepted Christ at 15 years old at a summer camp and felt God calling her to ministry shortly after at just 17 years old. She comes to us with experience working with children and teens in all realms, childcare, church youth, summer camps, and behavioral and mental health settings.

Challise shared, “I love teaching teens about the importance of studying and understanding the Bible themselves- to know why you believe what you believe is so important to me! Seeing others come to understand and believe in Jesus and experience His grace is an indescribable experience. I’m so excited to work at at a place where this happens!”

Challise teaches 7th and 8th grade at CLC.

Joan Wanner



Originally from Charlotte, NC, Joan Wanner moved to Toccoa in 2006 with her growing family. She and her husband, Curt, have four children, ranging in age from college to middle school. Joan accepted Christ as her savior at the age of four and credits her parents with giving her a strong grounding in faith and curiosity about Biblical studies. She and Curt met while pursuing MDiv degrees at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Joan went on to complete her coursework towards a ThD in Hebrew Bible at Harvard Divinity School. She was a participant in the archaeological excavation at Tel Miqne-Ekron, as well as a contributing author and assistant editor for the Zondervan Archaeological Study Bible. Joan has decades of experience teaching students, from masters’ level students to preschoolers.

Joan shared, “I love the Lord and have a passion for understanding His Word. It is a blessing to share this dedication to life-long discipleship with students, as we study God’s revelation. I am so excited to be able to help students grow in their understanding of who God is and who He made them to be.”

Noel Pauley


Noel Pauley is the executive director of the Stephens County Christian Learning Center. Noel has been married to Shane Pauley for six years and they have two daughters, Abigail and Hannah Kate. Noel has a Master’s degree in Professional Counseling from Liberty University and comes to us with many years of experience in nonprofit and public sectors of social services work. In addition, Noel is also a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Georgia. Noel and her family worship and serve at Nail’s Creek Baptist Church in Homer, Georgia.

Having accepted Christ as a child, Noel credits Jesus Christ and her relationship with Him for saving her from years of pain and heartache in the world. She states, “Christ has held me close to Him throughout my life and I know without a doubt he has led me through valleys and mountaintops and has led me right to the Christian Learning Center.” Noel has a passion for seeing students come to know Jesus Christ and find worth, identity, and purpose in a relationship with Him. Noel teaches where needed at CLC and is excited to teach the Old and New Testament Survey Courses at the high school level.

Meet the Board of Directors

  • Julie Paysen

    Board Chairperson

  • Brittney Ivey

    Board Treasurer

  • Bob Stowe

    Board Member

  • Jim Bellamy

    Board Member

  • David McSwain

    Board Member

  • Jennifer Smith

    Board Member

  • Brian Rockwell

    Board Member

  • Tripp Arrowood

    Board Member